Levenkron is a well known psychotherapist in New York
City and the author of eight books, both fiction and
non-fiction. His clinical work with patients, began in
1970, is based on the Nurturant – Authoritative approach
that he developed as a direct result of treating the
victims of these endangering disorders. His books have been translated into nine foreign languages including German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Czech, Japanese, and Chinese. As a lecturer, Steven Levenkron has
introduced his ideas to both popular and professional
audiences. He often lectures locally, in the New York
and tri-state area, as well as accepting invitations to
join National panels on Self-Harm or Eating Disorders
from Texas to New England. He continues to see
patients in his New York office.
Acclaimed psychotherapist Steven Levenkron's Stolen
Tomorrows is a breakthrough book that will encourage the
30 percent of women who have been abused to think about,
talk about, and seek help for what has been their secret
a practicing psychotherapist in New York City, treating patients locally in New York and consults nationally. His
previous works include Cutting and The Anatomy
of Anorexia, which have been recognized as seminal
in understanding self-mutilation, anorexia nervosa, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder.